Sunday, October 12, 2008


Ok so finally finished with the new hire academy and now I am doing a month long of driving training with a driving training officer (DOT) where I am actually driving to calls. Started doing that on October 4th. I am currently working 16 hour shifts which seem long but it's nice to only have to work three days a week right now.

So yesterday was my fourth shift with my DTO and earlier in the day we were talking about how he (my DTO) has never had anyone that he's trained that had been involved in a preventable accident with one of the ambulances. Well guess what... he jinks it. I was sitting at a red light, first in line, at a complete stop, and I got rear-ended. Lovely!!! Wasn't anything serious, in fact barely felt the collision and no one was hurt.

I haven't had any really "good" calls per say, but have had some interesting ones. Yesterday was probably the best as far as calls go. Had two different motor vehicle accidents with each having a vehicle that had rolled over. One of the calls had a total of six patients but none critical. I also went to an assault call where the victim was on the side of the road and while taking care of the patient the police were driving by really fast with lights and sirens and there was a police helicopter flying around with its spot light on looking for these punk kids who attacked this poor guy because he didn't give them any money. My guess, they already planned to assault him anyways.

We'll see what tomorrow's shift brings....

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Wow! What an adrenaline rush!
Good thing we have you never know when we'll need a medic while playing SPOONS! Stay safe! :o)